Cautions about Early Marriage

It seems strange that anyone would need to offer cautions about early marriage these days, since statistically it seems that most people are actually putting off marriage until they are in their late thirties or even older than that. But there are still those who want to be married at a very young age and unfortunately many turn a blind eye to the unique problems they'll be facing if they go through with such an early marriage. If this sounds like you, what are some things you need to think about and consider before getting into such an arrangement?
First off, keep in mind that many young people have a hard time making a living when they lack employment history. Someone in their very early twenties may have a degree but because of a lack of experience, have a harder time finding a job than others. Financial problems are very common for those who opt for early marriage. Also, many young people lack experience in handling the money they have, and in planning their budget and sticking to it. It's hard enough for mature adults to put money away in savings much less for younger people to control their impulse spending! And many who get into an early marriage have really no idea how much it actually costs to rent an apartment or buy a home, and of all the smaller expenses that go with living outside their parent's house. Utilities, groceries, gas and insurance for the car, health care costs, all of these things add up pretty quick and take quite a toll on the young person's financial situation. Many an early marriage has ended simply because the couple couldn't afford all those responsibilities thrust upon them.

There are also other responsibilities in marriage that many young people are unprepared to handle, and often don't even expect. Most are accustomed to the life of a single person where you go wherever you want to go, whenever you want to, without a care or thought in the world. However, even early marriage means having to consider that other person in your plans and your actions. Failing to call when you're out late or wanting to go out with friends when your spouse wants you at home can cause a lot of arguments between people, especially those who don't know how to handle these types of situations. Those in an early marriage are often surprised at the number of demands put upon them by their spouse and by how quickly an argument can erupt over even minor or small things.

Anyone considering an early marriage would do well to really think seriously about what they're getting into. Marriage between two mature adults is difficult enough, as the statistics on divorce will prove, but an early marriage brings about special conflicts and problems as well. If you want to have a long and successful marriage, you need to consider what problems you and your potential spouse might face, and do so before you actually take those vows.

By: layran

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