Unchap and beautify your lips with this technique.
For soft, beautifully kissable lips, you need the following:
a washcloth (I’m not kidding either), warm water, and your favorite brand of lip balm.
First you apply a coat of lip balm.
Then wet one corner of the washcloth, put the warm wet corner of the washcloth between your lips, press them together and hold for 5 seconds.
Then gently massage any remaining lip balm from lips with the wet corner of the washcloth, and dry lips with a corner thats dry.
Apply lip balm again to keep your lips chap free.
You may also apply lipstick or lip gloss on over the layer of lip balm.
I learned this was the best way to keep lips from chapping, after going through too many winters with dried, and chapped lips.
Clear up pimples, and get beautiful skin.
For clear glowing skin, a little home remedy does wonders for my complexion, as it should with yours too.
Steam your face for 20 minutes every night after washing it, then every other night after steaming your face, massage a half teaspoon castor oil over face.
Leave it on at night while you sleep and wash off immediately upon waking.
Steam face for twenty more minutes in the morning after washing.
When you finish steaming your face splash your face with cool water and dry it.
If your skin starts to show any signs of a pimple forming.
Take one night off from steaming and applying castor oil and apply Benzoyl Peroxide over face. Take the next night off also from the steaming, castor oil, and benzoyl peroxide.
Continue facial regimen with steaming and castor oil the following night.
This beauty secret will moisturize your face at the same time it will help clear up acne and pimples.
But only if you work at it consistently.
The Author :
by Beth Scott The Best Articles 4 U.50webs.com
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