10 Secrets Men Keep From the Women They Like

Did you know that men who love you with all their heart actually have secrets they keep from you? It is absolutely true. Here are the ten most common secrets men keep from the women they love:

1. He has an ex-wife. Some men do not want women knowing that they have been married before. They think it means that they cannot make a marriage work or that they are damaged goods.

2. They have children. A man might think a woman doesn't want an instant family or wants to be the first woman to have a child with him. Unless he is a dead beat dad, though, this secret will come out eventually because he will have some kind of contact with his kids.

3. He is seeing a Therapist. No matter what the reason, few people want to admit they're seeing a therapist. But men, in particular, are touchy about letting people know they need help in different areas of their lives.

4. He has a major medical problem. Some men try to hide their illnesses from the women they love because they don't want them to worry or pity them.

5. He is being transferred to another office out of state. Sometimes, men will put off talking about this because it means the relationship will either end or change dramatically.

6. He is planning something big for you. This kind of secret is good. Maybe they're working on buying a house or asking you to marry them. This kind of secret will obviously come out at some point.

7. He is unable to have children. Many men think all women want to have babies. Impotent men will often keep this a secret from women because it makes them seem less of a man therefore may destroy their relationship with you.

8. He is thinking about changing jobs. Some men don't like to tell women that they're going to make a major life change until after they do it.

9. He does not like your parents or friends. Many men will keep things like this a secret because they don't want to cause waves in the relationship.

10. He finds something you do very annoying. Again, men will keep things like this to themselves so as to not start any trouble in the relationship.

The truth is, your man can be in love with you and still keep his little secrets simply because he does not want to hurt your feelings. The only secret that you need to worry about is the one that has to do with any affair he is having.

By: Johan Krost

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