Habits to Make Your Life in Order

Recycle old papers that are filling drawers in your house.
Mentally prepare yourself for change by visualizing your ideal self.
Realize that unexpected events can be a good thing.
Ask people you admire how they got where they are today.
Cut back on alcohol, cigarettes and other vices.
Remove elements of negativity from your life, be they people or a job you don’t want to do.
Start each day with a clear to-do list along with your cup of morning coffee.
Clean your house from top to bottom and throw away anything outdated.
Institute a clear filing system for your personal records.
Do your grocery shopping for the week on the day it’s most convenient.
Take a career test that will help you identify your strengths.
Meet with a professional counselor if there are issues you need to discuss.
Go through cabinets and throw out expired medications or food items.
Make a clear diet plan with an emphasis on whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
Add vitamin pills to your daily diet.
Work out a clear exercise plan with an activity that you enjoy such as dancing or biking.
Set appointments you’ve been putting off.
Take up a mental exercise.
Publish your own book.
Make a reading list and join a book club.
Spend time with yourself each day.
Practice breathing exercises or meditation.
Speak and act with honesty.
Learn from past mistakes.
Volunteer to help others in your community.
Take up a new language or hobby.
Read inspirational biographies.
Talk to a stranger.
Reconnect with friends and relatives who live far away.
Change your toothbrush.
Take more naps.
Drink at least 6 cups of water per day.
Organize your photo collection.
Take an interest in art in your community.
Join a hobbyist club.
Keep a calendar with commitments.
Don’t put off difficult conversations.
Make a list of priorities and do what makes you happy.
Spend more time outdoors.
Attend lectures.
Take the time to stretch muscles.
Make laughter a priority.
Clear some time each day to do nothing.
Schedule a much-needed vacation.
Learn new tips for entertaining.
Throw out old clothing that doesn’t fit.
Live in the present, not the past.
Learn from past mistakes and move forward with your life.
Get your car checked up.
Budget for possible home repairs.

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