Heavy Thighs and Hips ?

Many women have the problem of pear-shape body, that is larger hips and heavy thighs, compared to the upper body.
This does not only concern those with weight problems but also affects some people with normal weight.

Some causes of the problems :

- Lack of exercise

- Bad circulation

- Hormonal cause
- Long sitting hours and bad posture

- Bad diet

Some tips :

1.) Do not cross legs while sitting and always sit up properly.
Bad posture and crossing legs have tendency to prevent good circulation especially the lower part of the body preventing free blood and lymph flow.

2.) Fat deposits in area of hips and thighs may not be easily eliminated even through exercise. Try to massage these areas when you are in the bath, to improve circulation and elimination of toxins.

3.) Avoid wearing tight underwear.
Some people wear tight underewear or girdles to press on excess flesh, to give the impression of reduced waist, thighs and hips.
Too tight clothes may worsen the circulation to the lower part of the body and in the long run, may lead to heavier thighs and hips.


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