Ever Felt So Depressed..... Don't Cry.... There's Hope Yet !!

As I sit down infront of my computer... all that comes to mind is... Grumps... Grunts... Uhhh... God... Why Me???

With so many people populating this planet.... it does get overcrowded at times. We all have our needs and desires that we want to fulfill. And the time always seems to be running out on us.

Take any life situation. At home, there's so much to do.... wash clothes, clean house, manage children & hubby, water the plants, feed the dog, cook lunches,& dinners ... but by the end of the day.... 24 hours is less

At office... update files, fill in reports, send TOPS [total one page summary] to the boss, look smart while trying to manage five different yelling subordinates... huuhh!

At school.... god... run and hide from bullies.... make sure homework is submitted on time, smile at your bench partner and remember to carry a new flower for your fav teacher every day.... Wow....

And when you get old.... there's no one around to talk to you... listen to your endless stories, fetch your artificial teeth from the bathroom closet, make sure you have drinking water for the night.... tuck you in at times with a kiss....

Oh God.... the world sure looks like a crazy fighting arena..... Whichever area you are looking from !!
But then is all lost? Do you wonder whether there’s still hope left???



We give others power over us and our feelings.
We run around to complete jobs in time ... for others We fight the battles of other people and loose ourselves in it !!

So..... who can relax.... Others !!
Wake up guys.... if you truly want to feel happy and not depressed....

Here's what you have TO DO....

1.Chart out your priorities

2.Do the tasks that give you enjoyment and a sense of peace

3.Never run out of breath....

Always remember to start each day with a smile and a prayer of gratitude to the GOD above
You will keep smiling for the rest of the day... Bless You


aireen said...

It seems that this post hit at some point...It's true that there would come a time that we lose hope at some point in our life but if we hang on to God's promises, nothing is impossible!

Daisy Soap Girl said...

What a great post. I like your blog and will add it to my favorites.

Bing Yap said...

Great job you have here...

Anonymous said...

this post really help me stop and think. which is what i think the purpose was of it.
all our lives we run around trying to do stuff which will eventually be of no good to anyone but if we all start thinking in that sense we will all become lazy and self occupied.

We nee dto find that balance in life which we are so away and lost from. there is a thin line somewhere. the idea of life is to find it :)

Anonymous said...

no one is truly contented with life..

Anonymous said...

今日は, 救助

Anonymous said...

Great post. Nice inspiration :D

Blogger said...

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